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Do YOU. Just DO YOU.

Today. I finally accepted something. I’m a teacher. I think a pretty good one at that and I realize what type of Teacher I am (thus far). I can do my lesson plans all day. Plan an activity for each skill and just have it ready. But what I love the most about myself as a teacher, my best ideas come from reflecting on my day at night and trying to approach the next day meeting my students where they are! I use to daydream about all the teachers I see that got it all together and their lesson plans smells like roses! Literally! I use to try and sit down and create activities while I’m lesson planning and I just don’t find myself very motivated. So here are a few tips that I tell myself to keep me pushing and not get caught up in the really cool activities : 1. Do what works for you  ⁃ You are probably wondering well duh, but let’s be realistic. We find ourselves being caught up in seeing all the wonderful activities teachers make or receiving all these great resources and you get off t

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